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Whether you are just getting out of cosmetology school or have been working as a licensed cosmetologist for years, learning how to build up your clientele is important. But how do you regularly get clients to come to you? Building your client base doesn’t have to be hard. Check out our top seven ways you can use to get clients to come to you!

If you want some tips on how to grow your beauty client base, check out our top seven ways you can get clients and keep them coming to you!

1. Strive for Your Best

Every time a client, new or returning, comes to you for a beauty service, always do your best! Make your clients happy and produce work that you are proud to claim as yours.
When a client loves how they look, they may want to share your name with friends.

The better work you produce and the more satisfied clients are, you build a positive reputation. A good reputation in the beauty business is like a golden ticket to helping you gain more clients. It is how current and potential clients can perceive you, and they will want to go to someone who they know does a great job.

Getting an education from a place like Elite Academy can help you become a reputable cosmetologist! Having a good solid foundation by getting a good education can set you apart and help to prepare you to sit for the state cosmetology exam. Start with a good education as your base.

group of cosmetology students gather to watch demonstration

2. Create a Referral System

Offer an incentive to your current clients through a referral system. If your clients love to come and get their hair and/or nails done, chances are that their friends will, too. Tell your clients that if they refer a friend that comes to you for a service they can receive a discount or small incentive.

If you’re working as your own boss, you can offer your guests a dollar amount off their next hair cut or a discount on a beauty product every time one of your client’s referrals come in. It is up to you on how you reward your clients who refer their friends to you!

3. Rebook Your Clients

A big part of filling your client book is to get your guests to come back. To do that, ask your client if they’d like to schedule their next appointment during their current visit. If they decide to book in advance, they are more likely to keep returning.

If you do book your clients in advance, have a good system in place to remind them of their appointments! You can choose to call or email them, but a good reminder system can keep you top of mind while keeping your guests happy.

4. Promote Yourself

Promote yourself and build your portfolio on social media, like Instagram and Facebook. While it’s always good to have a professional beauty portfolio, don’t underestimate the power of a good Instagram profile. Instagram is the place where you can post your favorite before and after looks, plus reviews from your happy clients.

If someone is currently searching for a new hairstylist, they want to see what you can do right? That’s why promoting yourself on Instagram is so important. You can help build trust with your clients before they’ve even come to you for your services because they’ve seen what you can do.

Want to learn more about showcasing what you have to offer on Instagram? Learn how to become a beauty and fashion blogger in Oklahoma by clicking here!

5. Accept Everyone, Including Walk-Ins

When you are first starting to build up your beauty clientele, do not turn anyone away. If you are free, accept a walk-in client. That person who was a walk-in could love how you do their hair or nails and could choose to keep coming back to you as a regular client.

If you are working at a salon, ask the front desk if they can promote you to new clients at the salon who are looking for a cosmetologist. This will get your name out and hopefully have recurring clients because they went to you first.

6. Be Professional

Always be professional! Be on time for your appointments and dress in a manner that shows you take your job seriously. This will show current and potential clients that you are the real deal and the service is half of the experience.

How you treat your client also makes a big difference. If your guests love chatting with you while getting their hair done, that can be a huge reason why they choose to come back. Act like a professional and treat each and every guest with respect. It could be something your clients love you for.

woman gets her hair curled by a cosmetology student

7. Keep Learning

Lastly, do not feel like because you are already working and out of cosmetology school that you cannot keep learning. Try to always continue learning how to better your skills and practice when you are not working with a client because it will only help your career in the long run.

Watch online videos and follow beauty bloggers on social media to stay caught up with the current trends!

What to Become a Beauty Professional?

If you’ve always dreamed about becoming your own boss or working in a salon, you can learn how to start your journey as a licensed beauty professional. At Elite Academy of Cosmetology, we offer a variety of programs, including cosmetology, esthetics, and barbering, allowing you to choose what you want to study.

Elite Academy is a great place to further your education. If you’re looking to get an edge in the beauty industry to help build your client base, check out our programs page to see how we can help! We strive to help current and potential cosmetologists become the best they possibly can.